(469) 751-4392 info@reqreadyai.com


• Compensation Insight – Knowing your worth is critical to successfully navigating your career.  Not all employers recognize your value when you move internally within an organization.  Not all employers offer the same compensation for similar roles when you are actively searching and applying for jobs.  Our compensation insight sessions give you visibility into how your skills development and recent changes may have impacted your value in the job market.  A compensation analyst will work with you to benchmark your current employer or potential future employers pay against the market to give validation of what you should be making and negotiating for when talking with your employer or prospective employers.  Leverage this session to strengthen your negotiating tactics and gain the confidence to ask for what you are worth.  Outcomes include but are not limited to:


  • Insight into market compensation across key roles you are considering
  • Comparison of wages at multiple employers
  • Comparison of wages across multiple industries
  • Understanding of compensation impact for key skills or requirements within a role
  • Identification of new employers or opportunities that help meet your compensation goals


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